Tuesday 10 February 2009

Daring to share & rapid rural appraisal of agricultural knowledge systems

Interview with Dr. Paul Engel, Director of ECDPM (European Centre for Development Policy and Management).

In the interview Paul Engel explains how the RAAKS methodology fosters agricultural innovation. RAAKS means rapid rural appraisal of agricultural knowledge systems. It is a participatory method that facilitates networking and communication processes. It can be used to improve the generation and use of knowledge and innovation.

Further references:
Engel, P.G.H., Salomon, M.L. Facilitating Innovation for Development. A RAAKS resource box
A KIT/CTA/Stoas co-production. 200 p.

The set includes the book The Social Organization of Innovation and a cd-rom which contents a guide to the RAAKS method, plus 'Windows' - specific ways to gain a new perspective on the situation - and 'Tools' to be used in practice.

On networking for innnovation see:
Chapter 5 Daring to share: networking among non-governmental development organizations

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