Tuesday 30 June 2009

Getting information and communication strategies right for climate change and agriculture

26-31 October 2008. Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso. CTA released its compilation document (102 pages) on the Implications of climate change for sustainable agricultural production systems in ACP countries Getting information and communication strategies right.

The Ouagadougou seminar was part of a series of CTA initiatives on climate change that include the Policy Briefs (Brussels, February 2008) and a special issue of Spore (August 2008).

CTA hopes to contribute to overall thinking on capacity-building for ACP partners, and to
the formulation of climate change information and communication strategies. This publication provides a summary of the media coverage, lessons from e-discussions, a summary of the main recommendations and conclusions of the seminar, and abstracts of the presentations. The document is available now online on the seminar’s website or as PDF document